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Is Competition Necessary in Student’s Life?

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Competition is a very important aspect of life, no matter which field you are in. It doesn’t matter whether you are a student, working professional or an entrepreneur. Competition exists…

Online Education and the Need of an ERP Software

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The internet has revolutionized the world of education. No longer should students rely on physical classrooms of institutions to go for studying, since internet enables students and teachers from any…

Role of an ERP Software in Higher Education

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How does ERP software increase the efficiency of higher education studies? Higher education refers to that stage of education which commences on the completion of secondary education. This kind of…

Is It Worth? A College ERP Software?

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How effective is College ERP software? Most of us are aware of various companies offering ‘School ERP software’, by way of advertisements seen on newspapers as well as on the…

School Transport Management and UC-School Software

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Transport management in a school forms a very important part of the school’s overall management strategies. The transport management authorities of a school have the huge responsibility of making sure…